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The Millennial Dream: Moving Abroad in the Age of Remote Work

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that shook the world in 2020, a seismic shift in the way we work took place. As lockdowns and social distancing became the norm, companies worldwide adopted remote work policies, accelerating a trend that had already been gaining momentum. Among the many significant changes that occurred during this time, one particular shift caught the attention of millennials: the possibility of working from anywhere.

For millennials, the appeal of remote work wasn't just about flexibility; it was about the opportunity to realize long-held dreams (like mine) of living and working abroad. In this blog post, we'll explore why millennials are increasingly choosing to move abroad as online work continues to thrive.

Freedom to choose their location is a major motivator, and is one of the most significant advantages of remote work. If you're a wanderlust Millennial such as myself, this lifestyle and opportunity is a dream! In comes the whole idea of "digital nomad" which takes this living abroad concept to a whole other extreme.

The digital nomad lifestyle represents a departure from the traditional 9-5, a life of freedom and adventure, while adopting to the entrepreneurial spirit of autonomy. Lending to the idea of adventure and the second word in digital nomad, this lifestyle allows for people to travel and work in exotic places.

Queue the Pinterest posts of people working on their laptops while sitting in a hammock on a beach... SPOILER-- that's not reality.

Nonetheless, the lifestyle's flexibility and entrepreneurial spirit definitely is eye catching, and it certainly has caught mine. One day I'll be able to explore the world in hopes to one day plant my feet in a foreign land that feels like home.

To some, the idea of leaving the USA sounds insane, but it's no secret that the USA doesn't have the highest quality of life in the world. In fact, it ranks 16th in the world as of 2023. Countries such as Luxembourg, Netherlands, Japan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Iceland, and Denmark (I could keep going....) all rank higher than the United States! Plus, to me the world is a big place and I want to experience as much of it as I can.

But beyond the freedom of being a digital nomad, moving abroad and settling in one place is also becoming more commonplace. Millennials are tired of the rat race that they face in the United States. They are seeking more from their lives, more than what the traditional markers of success are, they want a life of balance, experience, and connection. Moving abroad is one (rather extreme) way to discover a strong sense of self identity and experience something completely different from their past norms. The workaholic culture just simply isn't celebrated in countless other countries, and this is exactly what Millennials are trying to escape. Moving abroad can offer affordable cost of living and a healthier work-life balance. The idea of swapping a cramped city apartment for a beachside bungalow or a cozy cabin in the mountains becomes increasingly appealing when remote work can sustain their income.

Ultimately, it represents a paradigm shift in how millennials approach work, underscoring the importance of balance, self-care, and personal fulfillment in the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

Read this post on quality of life here

It goes without saying that cultivating a global perspective is very valuable to employers.

There's nothing quite as change-provoking as challenging the ideals you grew up with.

Living in another country provides millennials with the opportunity challenge these ideals through immersing themselves in different cultures, languages, and experiences. The biggest change comes from being uncomfortable! This global perspective not only enriches their personal lives but can also make them more adaptable and open-minded in their careers.

If you're reading this blog, I'd imagine you already have a great global perspective- or in the very least trying to broaden your world view. But this is an obvious positive to online work and moving abroad. Your perspectives change and that is a good thing! It makes you a more well-rounded individual (which is very valuable not just personally but professionally as well).

Speak of challenging old ideals, lets not forget to mention the benefit of leaving the town you've outgrown. Online work has broken down geographic barriers, allowing millennials to pursue job opportunities they might not have had access to in their hometowns. Moving abroad allows them to compete on a global scale, connecting with employers and clients from all corners of the world.

Can we all just take a moment to reflect on the massive advancements we will see due to this flexibility of location? We live in a global world and this change is already being noticed. Who's to say what the world will look like in 20 years?

These remote jobs can take many different forms, such as an online store, coach, blogger, consultancy, or business of some sort. Whichever form it takes, they all have the entrepreneurial spirit in common which leads to developing a personal brand. This is much more than creating a catchy logo or having a polished online presence; it's about authentically showcasing your passion for a niche they've found themselves in. Moving abroad and working online can provide an ideal backdrop for nurturing and expanding this sense of identity in a new found passion.

For those who have side hustles, personal projects, or creative ambitions, moving abroad can provide the perfect backdrop for pursuing these passions. The inspiration drawn from new surroundings can lead to enhanced creativity and productivity.

When you move to a new country or immerse yourself in a different culture, you're exposed to fresh perspectives, experiences, and opportunities. These new experiences can shape your personal brand by adding layers of depth and authenticity. Whether it's learning a new language, adapting to local customs, or drawing inspiration from your surroundings, your personal brand can become more diverse and globally resonant.

Millennials are at the forefront of embracing the new possibilities that remote work has unlocked. Moving abroad, once seen as a distant dream, is now a tangible reality for many. The ability to work online has given them the freedom to live life on their own terms, explore new cultures, and prioritize a work-life balance that aligns with their values.

The millennial generation is reshaping the way we view work and life, and their desire to move abroad in the age of remote work is a testament to their pursuit of happiness, adventure, and personal growth.

So, if you're a millennial with a dream of living in a foreign land, don't be afraid to take the plunge. The world is your oyster, and remote work has handed you the pearl. It's time to start your own adventure.


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